Wednesday 1 August 2012

Top Five Star Wars Top Fives of Star Wars minutia (Original Trilogy): Part 2

Fourth best Top Five: 
Hiding places

To the layman, battling and having a go at the Empire head-on, might seem the order of the day for the Holy Trilogy. But tru headz know that be it Obi Wan sneaking around the Death Star turning off tractor beams, or the entire Rebel army shivering in a hole in the ice, hiding is an utterly vital skill which needs to mastered in order to defeat The Emperor and his cohorts . . .

5. On top of an Imperial Star Destroyer - For someone who can make the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs, as this list will prove, Han Solo is also very good at doing hiding. For starters the audacity of parking the Falcon on top of an Imperial Star Destroyer whilst escaping from Hoth, proves Lando's assertion that he's a massive pirate!
Ha! Look at those other Star Destroyers not even seeing the Falcon. It's right there!! Idiots.

4. In an Imperial Shuttle - Clearly the Empire didn't have Wookiees in mind when they designed these tri-wing crafts, however for sneaking the crew down onto Endor (albeit sensed by Vader) they do the trick, with Han displaying the requisite casual flying skills, that he's presumably acquired via years of smuggling things.
Chewie does look a bit a cramped doesn't he? He's a pro though.

3. Jabba's Palace - The one non-Hanned entry (unless you count Carbonite as a hiding place - which it isn't because you can clearly see a bit of his face. And a hand), Jabba's Palace, full as it is with rubbery-faced musicians and masked bounty hunters, proves ideal for both Lando and Leia to hang about unnoticed. Lando's amazing disguise of a hat with a sort of exo-beard is possibly the most daring on this list.
A bit like a stone-age Brian Blessed.

2. Space Slug - Back to Han, and mere moments (in screen time) before hiding in the fifth best hiding place in the trilogy, he hides in the second best - the tummy of a great big phallic exogorth. And not only is he badass enough to avoid a load of Tie-Fighters and pilot the Falcon out betwixt its teeth, he also finds time to get off with The Most Beautiful Woman Who's Ever Lived (circa 1980).
I think this must be an ILM behind-the-scenes shot

1. The Falcon's Smuggling Bay - The unbridled joy of going round to a child's house who owned a Kenner Millennium Falcon in 1981, which I didn't, and seeing how many figures you could stuff into the little space covered by a removable, thin white plastic panel, is still palpable. And the incredible shot when Chewie's head pops up out of it, easily makes my Top Five Best Amazing Chewie Moments.
To be fair, Luke and Ben aren't making much of an effort to hide in this pic.